Stretch with System

As a group of companies, GVW Group offers you the highest level of expertise in the field of trade booth construction systems. From standard products to special parts – GVW is your reliable partner when it comes to the realization of textile solutions. As a customer, you benefit from a complete service that you can rely on from planning and design to production and packaging right up to assembly. Our design department and our DURST printer with a print width of 3.20 m complete the services for an extraordinary package in the area of ​​fabric and printing.

Exceptional ideas made of aluminum and textile

With our paten­ted Flex-Plain® sys­tem, we pro­vide a pro­fes­sio­nal so­lu­tion that makes it ea­sy to rea­lize special textile cons­truc­tions in trade fair cons­truc­tion. Due to the unique combi­nation of alu­minum pro­files, pi­ping pro­files and bi-elastic fabrics, every de­sired shape can be crea­ted – up to 3-dimensional ob­jects of al­most any kind.

Individually de­sign­able Flex-Health-Mask

Mouth and nose mask to pro­tect against contact with con­ta­mi­na­ted hands. Due to the ex­cel­lent fit of the mask, made of quick – drying stretch fabric, as well as the easy hand­ling, this mask is suit­able for both quick (shop­ping, treat­ment, etc.) and long­er use (sales, meet­ings, etc.) Best suited for spec­tacle wearers (no fog­ging). Our ma­terial is certi­fied ac­cording to OEKO-TEX® Stand­ard 100, has an an­ti­vi­ral (virucidal) and an­ti­bac­ter­ial (bactericidal) fin­ish and is wash­able at 60°C.

Great room acous­tics meets de­sign

The acous­tic de­sign of rooms as well as the set­ting of ac­cents by new and mo­dern ro­om con­cepts are more and more in the fo­cus of our time. In­creas­ing de­mands and an ade­quate adap­tation to the respec­tive space and acti­vity require­ments en­ables new ways. aixSilence® room acous­tics com­bines your in­di­vi­dual require­ments and the spatial con­ditions.

Golfsimu­la­tors – In­door Golf

Der FLEX-SHOT® golf si­mu­la­tor is per­fect­ly match­ed to your en­viron­ment. We re­al­ize each of your in­di­vid­ual wish­es and adapt the simu­la­tion op­ti­mal­ly to your needs. Our sales team is here to help you de­sign the ide­al so­lu­tion or choose one of the stan­dard sizes in S, M or L. Ex­tend your sea­son to 24 hours and 365 days a year.

A strong part­ner for your vi­sion

We are a glob­al­ly ori­ent­ed com­pany with more than 100 years of com­pany his­to­ry we serve as a group of com­pa­nies many dif­fer­ent cus­to­mers in the field of trade fair con­struc­tion, ad­ver­ti­sing agen­cies, archi­tects and re­tailers. Around 30 com­mit­ted em­ploy­ees look af­ter the three core pro­ducts (Flex-Plain®, aixSilence® and Flex-Shot®) of GVW Group.